lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

My Opinion Fist Evaluation

My opinion about this evaluation is very positive, because the year has been fantastic, and I like activities that we had been, such as athletics, that it is one of my favourite sport. A negative point in the evaluation has been speaches, because I think that the qualification criteria of the teacher was a bit incorrect because the student that they did the speach before than the other have more difficulties thant the other student, the students that did the speach after can correct the mistakes of their classmates in their speaches. So, I hope than the next evaluation this problem doesn't happen. However, the teacher has been fantastic!

Andorra 2014 (Motivation Videos)

Teacher's Presentations

Speech First Evaluation (only video)

Theory First Evaluation (Ancient and Modern Olympic Games)

Timetables First Evaluation and General

Worksheets First Evaluation